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Flat Rate Forward

A forward contract/ futures contract that has a flat/ constant contango over the course of its lifespan. Contango occurs when...

Currency Forward

A forward contract which allows the holder to lock in today an exchange rate at a future date. With this...

Floating Rate Forward

A forward contract (forward), particularly a structured forward on a metal commodity (e.g., gold), which fixes the corresponding spot rate...

Forward Contract Valuation

A forward contract has no value at the time it is first entered into (i.e., its net present value is...

Forward Contract Payoff

The gain attained or the loss incurred by the holder of a forward contract at delivery date. In general, the...

Structured Forward

A hybrid combination of various types of derivatives (e.g., a forward contract with an option). Examples include: a knock-out forward,...

Trigger Forward

A combination of a forward contract and a trigger option, whereby the buyer can enter into an outright forward at...

Forward Plus

A form of the range forward contract which has some type of participation in the movement of the underlying below...

Option-Dated Forward

A forward exchange contract which gives the buyer the right to choose when to exchange currencies between two preset dates....

Prepaid Forward Price

The price the buyer pays to the seller today for a prepaid forward contract. It equals the underlying price minus...