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Structural FX Risk

A type of risk (specifically, a source of non-traded market risk) that arises from positions related to investments in currencies...

Transaction FX Risk

A type of risk (specifically, a source of non-traded market risk) that arises from potential changes in a foreign exchange...

Transaction Foreign Exchange Risk

A type of risk (specifically, a source of non-traded market risk) that arises from potential changes in a foreign exchange...

Structural Foreign Exchange Risk

A type of risk (specifically, a source of non-traded market risk) that arises from positions related to investments in currencies...

FX Risk

The risk that arises from potential fluctuations in the fair value (FV) or future cash flows of a financial instrument...

Currency Convertible

A bond that is issued in one currency giving the holder the option, often at discretion, to receive repayment of…

Foreign Exchange Risk

The risk that arises from potential fluctuations in the fair value (FV) or future cash flows of a financial instrument...