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Non-Callable FRN

A floater (floating rate note, FRN) that is not callable (as opposed to a callable floater). In other words, it...

Non-Callable Floating Rate Note

A floater (floating rate note, FRN) that is not callable (as opposed to a callable floater). In other words, it...

Destructured Asset Swap

An asset swap that is combined with a structured note. The swap is effectively used to convert the note into…

Collared FRN

A floating-rate note (FRN) which has a minimum and a maximum interest rate, i.e., an embedded collar. This collar has…


Another name for a floating rate note (FRN); a medium to long-term debt obligation (note) that has its coupon rate…

Election Warrant

A warrant whose ultimate payoff or redemption value is likely to be determined based on the results of an election.…

Exchangeable Variable Rate Note

A variable rate note (floating rate note) that pays a floating coupon after a predetermined date; before this date the…


It stands for exchangeable variable rate note; a variable rate note (floating rate note) that pays a floating coupon after…

Convertible-Rate Floater

A floater (floating-rate note) that grants issuers and investors the right to convert from a floating rate of interest to…

Collared Floater

A floater (floating-rate note) which has a minimum and a maximum interest rate, i.e., an embedded collar. This collar has…