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It stands for cost of finances; the cost, interest, and other charges that are incurred in the borrowing of money...

Cost of Finances

The cost, interest, and other charges that are incurred in the borrowing of money needed to acquire/ purchase or create...

Finance Cost

The cost, interest, and other charges that are incurred in the borrowing of money needed to acquire/ purchase or create...

Debt Financing

A type of capital that is financed by borrowed funds (debt). It is a form of financing that allows an...

Classic Autocallable

A note (structured note) that only pays a coupon if the underlying asset trades above a specific level (known as...


It may stand for structured trade finance; a type of debt finance that involves a structure consisting of multiple trade...

Structured Trade Finance

A type of debt finance that involves a structure consisting of multiple trade finance products from across the supply chain....

Standard Autocallable

A note (structured note) that only pays a coupon if the underlying asset trades above a specific level (known as...

Standard Autocall

A note (structured note) that only pays a coupon if the underlying asset trades above a specific level (known as...

Structured Financing

An extension of basic asset securitization which involves an additional degree of complexity through the creation of traded securities by...