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Past Due

A situation that describes a financial asset (e.g., a loan) when the counterparty (debtor, borrower), fails, or has failed to...

Retail Loan

A loan that is extended to individuals (natural persons) rather than institutions (legal persons). Retail loans may include those extended...

Discount Default Free Security

A default free security that generates "default flow" cash flows (interest payments) over a span of certain period. By nature,...

Zero Coupon Default Free Security

A default free security that generates "default flow" cash flows (interest payments) over a span of certain period. By nature,...

Subordinated Liabilities

Liabilities which, in the event of liquidation or insolvency of the issuer (the debtor), are treated as subordinated to the...

Cash Flow Insolvency

A type of insolvency that arises from lack of sufficient cash flows to meet obligations, though an entity has a...

Loan Impairment Allowance

An allowance (provision) that is created by a bank or entity for potential impairment losses (that may arise from the...


It stands for economic capital; an internal measure of the capital (risk capital) that an entity is required to maintain...


It stands for economic capital; an internal measure of the capital (risk capital) that an entity is required to maintain...

Economic Capital

An internal measure of the capital (risk capital) that an entity is required to maintain to ensure that it remains...