The difference between the return on shareholders' funds (capital provided by shareholders/ owners) and the cost of these funds (cost...
A product that does not feature a 1:1 relationship between its price movement and that of its profit/ loss (return)....
A real estate investment trust (REIT) that can be purchased and sold on an exchange through stock brokers and other...
A real estate investment trust (REIT) that can be purchased and sold on an exchange through stock brokers and other...
A type of securitization that does not involve a complete sale (true sale) of the underlying assets or property in...
A type of securitization that does not involve a complete sale (true sale) of the underlying assets or property in...
A type of securitization that does not involve a complete sale (true sale) of the underlying assets or property in...
A type of securitization in which receivables (loans or similar assets)- generated in the ordinary course of business- are sold...
An acronym for net stable funding ratio; the ratio of available stable funding, ASF, (at disposal of an entity) to...
The ratio of available stable funding, ASF, (at disposal of an entity) to its required stable funding (RSF) over a...