An entity (legal entity) that is specially established to fulfill a certain narrow or temporary purpose, rather than to function...
A loan (interest bearing loan) that is extended for the purpose of purchasing or maintaining a real estate unit such...
A treasury (in plural form: treasuries or treasury securities) is a security (debt security) that is issued by a treasury...
A financial security that has the characteristics of debt and equity. A classic example of hybrid equity securities is the...
A phonetic acronym of the expression "I owe you". Technically, it represents is a document (usually, an unofficial document) that...
Match fund or matching is the process whereby an entity, in relation to a loan or investment, acquires a liability...
In finance, bill has several meanings, depending on context. In one specific context, it refers to a treasury bill (T-bill):...
An acronym for trust automatic common exchange security; a hybrid equity security (equity linked security, ELS), that constitutes a trust-originated...
A hybrid equity security (equity linked security, ELS), that constitutes a trust-originated preferred stock convertible to common equity (common stock)....
A type of long-term debt (debt instrument) that is issued by the treasury department. Long-term treasury securities belong to the...