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Reverse Capped Bonus Certificate

A capped bonus certificate which consists of 1) a short position in the underlying stock with a reference price constituting...

Bull Floating-Rate Note

A floating-rate note (FRN) in which the coupon moves inversely to the movement of the reference rate. That is, if...

Reverse Yankee Bond

A bond that is issued by a US company (usually a high grade issuer), outside of the US in a...

Bull Note

A note whose redemption value is linked to a price index or a commodity price. The note gives the holder,...

Protected Bull Note

A bull note whose principal is protected (by the so-called principal protection feature), as opposed to an unprotected bull note....

Average Protected Bull Note

A protected bull note in which the final value of the underlying over fixing dates is averaged. The fixing dates...

Accounts Receivable Turnover Ratio

A financial ratio that relates the cost of goods sold to accounts receivable. This ratio is calculated by dividing the...

Asset-Light Debt

A type of corporate debt whereby the collateral value is below standard requirements (usually lower than 30% of the company’s...

Breakeven Yield Advantage

The amount of time it takes for the positive yield advantage to recover the premium paid for the downside protection,...

Accrual Accounting

An accounting method that is based on the recognition of income as earned and expenses as incurred, regardless of the...