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Coupon-Paying Bond

A bond that pays interest on surrender of the coupons, clipped from its certificate. The holder of a coupon-paying bond...

Deferred Cap Floater

A capped floating rate note (capped floater) that is associated with a deferred cap. In other words, it comes with...

Continuously Callable Bond

A callable bond that is structured in a way that the issuer can recall it at any time over its...

Contingent Coupon Reverse Convertible

A reverse convertible in which the coupon is made contingent on a specific event such as trading in a range...

Autocallable Barrier Reverse Convertible

An equity structured product (and a reverse convertible) that pays the face value (principal amount) if the underlying doesn’t end...

Autocallable Reverse Convertible

An equity structured product (and a reverse convertible) that pays the face value (principal amount) if the underlying doesn’t end...

Moving Strike Convertible Bond

In Japan, it is a convertible bond in which the conversion price is not predetermined but is kept floating (i.e.,...

Deferred-Coupon Bond

A bond whereby the issuer is allowed to defer coupon interest for a specified period of time. During the deferred-coupon...

Deferred-Interest Bond

A special type of deferred-coupon bond in which coupon interest is deferred for a specified period in the future. Typically,...

Deferred Callable Bond

A callable bond which is subject to a call-protection period. A deferred callable bond can be recalled (repurchased) by the...