A hybrid/ structured credit product (bond) that becomes convertible into equity shares if the price of the share exceeds a...
An abbreviation for asset-backed commercial paper money market fund liquidity facility; funding that is provided at a discount rate to...
A note that pays a coupon at a preset fixed interest rate, with the actual amount of the coupon depending...
An interest-only (IO) which the rate is fixed at a level lower than the actual interest payments on the underlying...
A bond whose principal is registered in the name of its owner, but where interest coupons are payable to the...
A bond whose ownership is evidenced by registration in the transfer office of the issuer (corporate issuer, government issuer, etc)....
An absolute return barrier note (ARBN) (a structured product) in which the coupon is linked to an underlying security or...
A structured product that allows the holder (investor) to participate in the equity market growth (upside potential) and at the...
A market-linked debenture (MLD) whose issuer promises to pay back the principal amount (face value) of the debenture to the...
An interest-only (IO) which entitles its holder to receive a fixed coupon stripped off a collateral weighted average coupon (WAC)....