An impairment testing for goodwill with indefinite useful life. This testing is typically carried out on an annual basis, by...
The systematic process of gradually reducing the amount of a goodwill asset by recording a periodic amortization charge. In accounting...
A goodwill whose value is derived from financial statements and for financial reporting purposes. More specifically, the meaning of goodwill...
A goodwill whose accounting is carried out on a tax basis. In acquisition accounting, goodwill amortization, in some jurisdictions, is...
An asset (intangible asset) whose value is reflected in the amount by which the assets of an entity exceed their...
A party (person, entity) that has a connection with an entity (a reporting entity) preparing its financial statements. This connection...
The useful life of a leased asset is either: the estimated remaining period, from the commencement date of the lease...
An arrangement/ technique that aims to create a misleading impression about the financial position of an entity. For example, this...
A contract whose costs outweigh its potential benefits. More specifically, the unavoidable costs of meeting the obligations under this contract...
The written down value (WDV) of an asset is its current replacement cost less accumulated depreciation. In general, this value...