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Share Forward Decumulator

The reverse of a share forward accumulator. More specifically, it is a structured product that involves investors taking on the...

Share Forward Accumulator

A financial derivative which an issuer sells to investors and is obliged whereby to sell shares of a specific stock...


A customized, hybrid, and artificially created financial instrument which combines an underlying price on a cash position with the price...

CMT Rate

An abbreviated form for constant maturity treasury rate; an interest rate benchmark that provides the yield of a synthetic security...

CMS Spread Derivative

A financial derivative whose payoff depends on the spread (constant maturity swap spread) between two swap rates of different maturities...

Cross Valuation Adjustment

In the context of derivatives valuation, it is a broad category of adjustments that are made to the fair value...

Cross Value Adjustment

In the context of derivatives valuation, it is a broad category of adjustments that are made to the fair value...

Financial Derivative

An instrument (derivative) which derives its value from the performance or price movement of a financial instrument or index. Examples...

Forward Rate

The rate at which a seller is willing to exchange an asset (a commodity, a currency, etc.) at a specified...


In the context of derivatives valuation, it stands for x-value adjustment or cross value adjustment. It is a broad category...