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Designation of a Liability at FVTPL

A liability (financial liability) is typically classified and measured at amortized cost. However, a liability may also be classified and...


The change in the classification of a financial asset due to a change in an entity's business model (BM) or...

Reclassification Date

The first day in the reporting period in which a new or changed business model (BM) is applied by an...

Settlement Option

An option that is embedded in a derivative financial instrument whereby one party has a choice over settlement. In other...

Equity Instrument

Any financial instrument that confers on its holder a residual interest in the net assets of an entity (its assets...

Derecognition of Financial Assets

A financial asset is derecognized (removed from an entity's accounts/ financial statements) when the contractual rights to receive the cash...

Time-Out Period

A period of time during which an entity is not allowed to classify any financial assets as held to maturity...

Initial Recognition

The act of recording or including an accounting item/ transaction/ event in the books (financials) of an entity for the...

Transaction Costs of Financial Instruments

The transaction costs associated with financial instruments are those incremental costs that directly relate or can be attributable to the...

Transaction Costs

The costs that are incurred by an entity in selling an asset or transferring a liability in the principal market...