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Return on Common Equity

A profitability ratio that relates the return from an entity's common equity (CE) to the amount paid against ownership (holding)...

Leading P/E

The leading/ forward version of the price-earnings (P/E) ratio. The leading P/E relates a stock's current price to its "predicted"/...

Forward P/E

The forward version of the price-earnings (P/E) ratio. The forward P/E relates a stock's current price to its "predicted"/ "forecasted"...


It stands for coefficient of variation; a statistical measure that captures the dispersion of data points in a data series...


It stands for coefficient of variation; a statistical measure that captures the dispersion of data points in a data series...

Coefficient of Variation

A statistical measure that captures the dispersion of data points in a data series in relation to the mean. In...

Price-To-Book Ratio

A financial ratio that relates the stock price to the book value per share. In other words: A high price-to-book...

Price-To-Sales Ratio

A financial ratio in which the stock price is divided by the sales revenue per share. Specifically: A high price-to-sales...

Price-To-Cash Flow Ratio

A financial ratio that relates the stock price to the operating cash flow per share. In equation form, it is:...

Gross Profit Margin Rate

A financial ratio that relates gross profit margin to the volume of sales: Like margin ratios, in general, this ratio...