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Discount Yield

The discount on a money market instrument (such as Treasury bills, commercial paper, banker's acceptances, etc) that is expressed as...

Sales-To-Receivables Ratio

A financial ratio that relates the cost of goods sold to accounts receivable. This ratio is calculated by dividing the...

Simple Compounding

The method of compounding interest rate without taking into account the interest earned over the period in question. Interest only...

Synthetic Convertible

A convertible that combines the features of both fixed-income debt and OTC options. In other words, this instrument consists of...

Synthetic Warrant

A warrant that is issued by a company on an unrelated underlying security such as that of another company or...

Short Turbo Certificate

A turbo certificate that aims to bet on price decreases. The participation in the downward movement of the underlying will...

Short Tracker Certificate

A tracker certificate which gain in value when the price of the underlying goes down, and vice versa. Such a...

Stepped Coupon Bond

A bond with interest coupons that change to preset levels on specific dates. More specifically, the bond pays a given...


A preferred stock that has no redemption date. In other words, this fixed-rate equity instrument allows the holder no participation...

Periodic Rate

The interest rate that results from converting the stated annual interest rate to a rate associated with a partial period....