It stands for inflation-linked bond; a bond that is adjusted with inflation. An ILB is designed as a hedging tool for...
It stands for mortgage real estate investment trust; a real estate investment trust (REIT) that invests in real estate by...
It stands for money market deposit account; a category of money market vehicles (MMV) that represents a savings account may...
It stands for sterling overnight index average. It is an interest rate benchmark (overnight rate) published by Bank of England...
It stands for adjustable long-term puttable securities; a type of security (debt security such as a bond)- specifically a fixed...
It stands for non-performing asset; an interest-bearing (interest-paying) asset, such as a debt instrument or loan, that is not currently...
An acronym for net stable funding ratio; the ratio of available stable funding, ASF, (at disposal of an entity) to...
It stands for economic capital; an internal measure of the capital (risk capital) that an entity is required to maintain...
It stands for economic capital; an internal measure of the capital (risk capital) that an entity is required to maintain...
An acronym for money market account; a category of money market vehicles (MMV) that represents a savings account may provide...