An order-driven market in which orders are parked for execution at a single clearing price. The auction mechanism is based...
An order-driven market in which orders are parked for execution at a single clearing price. The auction mechanism is based...
An investor who looks for bargains in the securities of troubled companies. Stocks that trade at prices sufficiently lower than...
An investor who looks for bargains in the securities of troubled companies. Stocks that trade at prices sufficiently lower than...
A type of gaming in which a trader (known as the gamer) executes small orders to manipulate the public exchange mid-quote that a crossing network uses to get a...
An order to buy a security on a downtick or sell it on an uptick. It is a conditional order:...
A transaction/ trade that takes place at the same price level of a previous transaction/ trade, but in situation where...
A transaction/ trade that takes place at the same price level of a previous transaction/ trade, but where the trade...
The market for securities in which listed securities are traded away from an organized market- i.e., over the counter (OTC)....
The market for securities where institutional investors trade directly among themselves without going through exchanges or resorting to the services...