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Alternative Trading System

An electronic trading system that uses sophisticated algorithms to transmit orders in real time and optimally and automatically match buyers...

Buying On Margin

Using the funds borrowed from a broker to trade securities (e.g., stocks). Buying on margin works also for bonds, options,...

Margin Trading

Using the funds borrowed from a broker to trade securities (e.g., stocks). Margin trading works also for bonds, options, among...

Alternate Midpoint Peg Order

A peg order (midpoint peg order) that is used to peg the price to the less aggressive side of the...

Member Short Sale Ratio

A ratio that is constructed by relating shares sold short by an exchange member (New York Stock Exchange) to total...

Aggregator Crossing Network

A crossing network that links with the broadest range of existing dark pools, directing flows of orders to platforms which...

At The Closing Bell

The moment when trading stops for the session, though prices are still not final because some trades need to go...

Average Latency

In electronic markets (digital markets), it refers to the order execution latency that is calculated on an average basis. It...


A condition that is used on a buy or sell order whereby a broker is instructed to execute the order...

TWAP Order

It stands for time-weighted average price order; an order that is sliced into portions based on the percentage of daily...