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Liquidity Aggregation Venue

A platform where market liquidity (for a specific type of products or instruments such as FX, commodities, precious metals, etc.)...

Funding Rate

A periodic payment that is made to traders either with long or short position, based on the difference between the...

Day Trading

The placement of a buy or a sell order (or opening of a buy or a sell position) and closing...

Intraday Trading

The placement of a buy or a sell order (or opening of a buy or a sell position) and closing...

Simple Order Book

An order book that only contains the basic components: sizes and prices. It is a simple electronic list of buy...

MOC Order

It stands for market on close; an order that is placed with a broker of securities or commodities by a...


The difference in price between equivalent amounts of two commodities, securities (e.g., bonds), or currencies at two different conditions (e.g.,...

Market On Close

An order that is placed with a broker of securities or commodities by a trader (market participants) requesting the purchase...


It stands for market on close; an order that is placed with a broker of securities or commodities by a...


It stands for intermarket sweep order; an order that sweeps across the exchange (exchanges) where it is placed, picking up...