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Eurodollar Futures Stack Hedge

A stack hedge that uses Eurodollar futures. The hedger stacks a number of these futures for subsequent periods in one…


A position in successive Eurodollar (ED) futures contracts. For example, a Eurostrip may be constructed by taking a long position…

LIBOR Futures

An exchange-traded futures contract on the 3-month LIBOR rate. Each contract controls a notional amount of USD 100,000. Interest on…

Money Market Swap

A interest rate swap (typically, a fixed-floating swap) the expiration or termination dates of which follow the cycle of international...

ED Futures

It stands for Eurodollar futures; a futures contract on a Eurodollar interest rate such as the 3-month (90-day) Eurodollar interest...

ED Option

It stands for Eurodollar option; a money market futures option which is based on Eurodollar futures. It is among most...

Eurodollar Option

A money market futures option which is based on Eurodollar futures. It is among most actively traded, exchange-listed interest rate...

Eurodollar Futures

A futures contract on a Eurodollar interest rate such as the 3-month (90-day) Eurodollar interest rate. In the US markets,...

Implied Price TED

The difference between a hypothetical note's yield and the Treasury note's actual yield. The hypothetical note's yield is the full price...