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Tracking Error

A measure of the deviation of the returns of an asset/ portfolio/ fund from benchmark returns over a period of...

Correcting Entry

A journal entry that is made in order to correct an accounting error. Correcting entries are an adjustment to an...

Catch-Up Adjustment

One of multiple ways of a management's intervention to correct an accounting error (particularly, immaterial error) that, rather than restating...

Immaterial Error

An accounting error (error) that arises from incorrect, false or misleading information that “immaterially” (to a limited extent) affects an...

Material Error

An accounting error (error) that arises from incorrect, false or misleading information that “materially” (excessively or to a great extent)...

Accounting Error

A faulty recognition, measurement, presentation or disclosure of an element/ item or more of previously issued financial statements (statements of...


A faulty recognition, measurement, presentation or disclosure of an element/ item or more of previously issued financial statements (statements of...

Correction of Errors

The correction of accounting errors in previously issued financial statements, i.e., errors that arise from faulty data entry, omission, discrepancies,...

Restatement of a Financial Statement

The revision and re-release of the financial statements of a prior period because of changes in accounting principles arising out...

Accounting Restatement

The revision and re-release of the financial statements of a prior period because of changes in accounting principles arising out...