An equity security that is embedded with certain derivative features such as exchangeability and convertibility into underlying equity, etc. Examples of...
An equity security that is embedded with certain derivative features such as exchangeability and convertibility into underlying equity, etc. Examples of...
An equity security that is designed to mimic the structure of a specific form of preferred equity redemption cumulative stock...
A financial security/ instrument that constitutes an ownership share in an entity (business, non-business; corporation, partnership, trust, etc). More specifically,...
A contract that confers on the holder the right, but not the obligation, to subscribe to the shares of an...
A type of share capital that represents ownership in an entity through the issue of its common shares (ordinary shares)....
The capital contribution by shareholders which reflects the par value of all equity securities, including common shares and preferred stock....
A security (debt security, equity security, etc.) that has traded for a period of time long enough (e.g., 90 days)...