An equity collar that involves obtaining a bank loan by the owner of the underlying equity (shares), collateralized by the...
An option-based strategy that is designed to establish a costless position and secure a return. It is a type of...
A zero-cost collar that is constructed with zero net premium. In other words, it is an equity collar often used...
A combination of a zero-cost collar (an equity collar, or a combination of an equity put and an equity call)...
An option-based strategy that is designed to establish a costless position and secure a return. It is a type of...
A variation of an equity collar that allows investors to generate cash proceeds while still receiving downside protection (though at...
A variation of an equity collar that allows the holder to increase either the downside protection or the upside potential...
A variation of an equity collar that allows the holder to increase either the downside protection or the upside potential...