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Put Option

A put option (put) that is not tradable- but rather is part of an instrument or structure, granting its holder...

Extendable Bond

A long-term debt security which has an embedded option to extend its maturity beyond the original maturity date. The bond…

Early Redemption Put Option

An embedded feature that is added to specific types of debt instruments or hybrid instruments that carry fixed and floating...

Early Redemption Option

An embedded feature that is added to specific types of debt instruments or hybrid instruments that carry fixed and floating...

Early Redemption

An embedded feature that is added to specific types of debt instruments or hybrid instruments that carry fixed and floating...

Exchangeable Zero-Coupon Swap

A zero-coupon swap in which the fixed rate receiver sells a third party (a dealer) an embedded option to convert…

Embedded Put Option

A put option (put) that is not tradable- but rather is part of an instrument or structure, granting its holder...

Embedded Call Option

A call option that is not tradable, but rather is part of an instrument or structure, granting its issuer a...

Breakforward Contract

A forward contract at a forward rate that allows the holder to break or unwind the contract with an opposite…

Callable RAN

A callable range accrual note (RAN); a range note that is imbedded with a call option. The embedded option allows…