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Consolidated Display

In electronic trading, consolidated display refers to the minimum information that must be put on public display (for traders and…

SoftStop Algo 

A trading algorithm that is embedded with a stop loss/limit strategy, allowing users of electronic trading to lessen or minimize…


A type of spoofing that is carried out by rapidly placing and canceling an order (the same order) in order...

Single-Stock Algorithm

An algorithm that is used, in electronic trading, to manage the cost and risk of a single stock. A single-stock...


It stands for alternative trading network; an electronic trading system that uses sophisticated algorithms to transmit orders in real time...

Alternative Trading Network

An electronic trading system that uses sophisticated algorithms to transmit orders in real time and optimally and automatically match buyers...

Participation Algorithm

A trading algo (algorithm) that is used by electronic traders to execute orders at a constant participation rate in sync...

Participation Algo

A trading algo (algorithm) that is used by electronic traders to execute orders at a constant participation rate in sync...


It stands for alternative trading system; an electronic trading system that uses sophisticated algorithms to transmit orders in real time...

Alternative Trading System

An electronic trading system that uses sophisticated algorithms to transmit orders in real time and optimally and automatically match buyers...