In economics, stagflation or recessionary inflation is a situation characterized by high inflation rates, slow economic growth rate, and persistently...
The rate of inflation that does not take into consideration certain items that are characterized by sudden or shortlived (short-term)...
The rate of inflation that does not take into consideration certain items that are characterized by sudden or shortlived price...
An acronym for non-produced non-financial asset; an economic resource that is available or has come into existence without human intervention...
A non-produced non-financial asset (NP NFA) is an economic resource that is available or has come into existence without human...
It stands for endogenous discount factor; an approach that endogenizes the discount factor. It is a type of preference formulation...
An approach that endogenizes the discount factor. It is a type of preference formulation that is used in an infinite...
One of the functions of money. A unit of account represents a standard numerical "nominal" monetary unit (a currency as...
A situation that describes a market heading for a collapse or state of complete malfunctioning due to deterioration in economic...
A situation that arises when a government continuously attempts through its policies (particularly monetary policies) to drive up economic growth...