It stands for banking on overall stability, which is one of the numerous names for . By definition, it is...
A call ratio backspread which involves selling lower strike call options and buying a bigger number of higher strike calls...
An option trading strategy that is executed by selling a number of out of the money call options exceeding the…
The local currency or accounting currency of an investor or a securities issuer. In forex, it is the first currency…
The price which a buyer is willing to pay to possess or take hold of an asset. The bid price…
An option strategy whereby a number of put options are bought at a certain exercise price and an equal number…
An option or futures spread whereby the number of contracts bought (or long) is not equal to the number of...
The process of changing the interest rate on the leg of a currency swap being paid by the end user...
The issuer of the debt that is "insured" by a credit derivative. In other words, it is the institution (known...
It stands for multi-name credit default swap; a credit default swap (CDS) in which the underlying reference is more than...