A credit default swap (CDS) which is “contingent” upon the setting-off of two triggers. The first, as in an ordinary...
It stands for knock-out floater; a barrier floater in which the coupon is deactivated (knocked-out) if the reference interest rate...
An abbreviation for keep it simple, stupid!. The language of derivatives (such as delta, DV01, vega, gamma, notionals, vol-vol, fugit,...
It stands for power reverse dual currency swap, which is an exotic cross-currency swap whose maturity is typically long-dated, up...
It stands for callable bull/ bear contract; a type of structured product whose price movement is closely linked to the...
An acronym for cross-currency cross-index basis swap; A cross-currency swap in which one party pays a floating rate (LIBOR) denominated...
In the context of derivatives valuation, it stands for x-value adjustment or cross value adjustment. It is a broad category...
It stands for a snowball interest rate swap; a structured swap which consists of a funding leg and a coupon...
It stands for target redemption note; an index linked note that terminates whenever a maturity is reached or the total...
It stands for target redemption swap: a swap- or virtually a series of forward contracts- whereby the agreement terminates when...