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Qalb-ul Dain

Arabic (قلب الدين) for debt restructuring or debt roll-over or refinancing of an existing debt/ dayn (postponement or extension of...

Qalb-ul Dayn

Arabic (قلب الدين) for debt restructuring or debt roll-over or refinancing of an existing debt/ dayn (postponement or extension of...

Qalb al-Dayn

Arabic (قلب الدين) for debt refinancing or debt restructuring. Debt refinancing is the replacement of an existing debt (dayn) with...

Qalb al-Dain

Arabic (قلب الدين) for debt refinancing or debt restructuring. Debt refinancing is the replacement of an existing debt (dain) with...

Faskh al-Dayn bil Dayn

Arabic (فسخ الدين بالدين) for debt refinancing or debt restructuring. Debt refinancing is the replacement of an existing debt (dayn)...

Faskh al-Dain bil Dain

Arabic (فسخ الدين بالدين) for debt refinancing or debt restructuring. Debt refinancing is the replacement of an existing debt (dain)...