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Commodity Product Spread

A spread that involves two related commodities: a primary (raw or unprocessed) commodity and one of its byproducts. In other…

Reverse Crush Spread

A commodity trading strategy (an intercommodity spread) which involves the sale of soybean futures and the simultaneous purchase of soybean...

Crush Spread Option

An option that has a crush spread as underlying. This option is used in the soybeans futures market and is...

Spread Contract

A futures contract or futures option in which the underlying is a specific spread. Examples of underlying spreads include crack...

Crush Spread

A commodity trading strategy that is used in the soybeans futures market and involves the purchase of soybean futures and...


An OTC option which is written on a spread. The spreadtion is usually used to lock in the difference between...

Spread Option

An OTC option which is written on a spread. The spread option is usually used to lock in the difference...