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Muslim Crowdfunding

A form of financing that involves the combination of Islamic finance with crowdfunding so as to address financing needs of…

P2B Crowdlending

It stands for peer-to-business crowdlending (also person-to-business or people-to-business crowdlending); a form of crowdfuding/ crowdlending that involves the individuals (the…

Islamic FinTech

In essence, fintech/ FinTech refers to the use of financial technology (such as smart phones and devices for online payment,…

Equity-Based Crowdfunding

A crowdfunding which involves investing in an early-stage unlisted company in return for equity, i.e., shares in that company. Investors-cum-shareholders…

P2P Crowdlending

It stands for peer-to-peer crowdlending (also person-to-person or people-to-peole crowdlending); a form of crowdfuding/ crowdlending that involves the individuals (the…

Financing-Based Crowdfunding

A crowdfunding which involves the crowd lending to businesses (people to business/ person to business- P2B) or to persons (peer…

Crowd Equity

A crowdfunding which involves investing in an early-stage unlisted company in return for equity, i.e., shares in that company. Investors-cum-shareholders…


It stands for Islamic crowdfunding; a form of financing that involves the combination of Islamic finance with crowdfunding so as...

Waqf Crowdfunding

A form of financing that involves the combination of waqf with the mechanisms of crowdfunding so as to bring socio-economic...

Shari’ah-Compliant Crowdfunding

A funding mechanism whereby money is raised from a large number of people (the crowd), using an online network, in...