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Unmatched Swap

An interest rate swap or cross-currency swap which is not matched by an offsetting/ mirror swap or other financial asset…

Right-Way-Around Swap

A cross-currency swap in which the bank sponsor/ arranger pays a hard currency (like dollar, euro, etc) and receives a...


It stands for cross-currency basis swap; a floating-for-floating swap that involves exchanging two streams of interest payments each denominated in...

Cross-Currency Basis Swap

A floating-for-floating swap that involves exchanging two streams of interest payments each denominated in a different currency. In other words,...

Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap

A swap whereby two counterparties agree to exchange interest payments based on two interest rates and denominated in two different...

Right-Way-Around Swap

A cross-currency swap in which the bank sponsor/ arranger pays a hard currency (like dollar, euro, etc) and receives a...

Fixed Rate Reset Swap

A type of interest rate swap (IRS) or cross-currency swap (xccy swap) in which the fixed rate leg resets periodically...

Hanseatic Swap

A cross-currency swap which provides one of the parties with a partial protection of the final exchange notional. However, a...

General Cross Currency Swap

A swap that has its two legs denominated in two currencies, where the leg pair falls into one of four...

Zero Recovery Cross-Currency Swap

A zero-recovery swap in which one counterparty receives a weaker currency and pays a stronger currency while the other counterparty...