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It stands for restricted investment account, which is an Islamic investment account which is subject to certain restrictions imposed by…

Aqd al-Muawadha

Arabic (عقد المعاوضة) for compensatory contract (commutative contract) whereby one party receives compensation/ consideration (iwadh) from another party in return…

Ba’i Istijrar

In Islamic finance, it is a contract (of ba’i or bay’) whereby a supplier agrees to deliver a specific commodity/item…

Bay’ Istijrar

In Islamic finance, it is a contract (of bay’) whereby a supplier agrees to deliver a specific commodity/item to a…

Bai’ Mu’ajjal

An Arabic term (بيع مؤجل) that translates as sale on credit or credit sale. By definition, it is an Islamic...

Sale on Credit

A type of sale (ba'i/ bay') in which the delivery of the object of sale (a commodity) takes place at...

Credit Sale

A sale (ba'i) in which the commodity/ item is delivered to the buyer against deferred payment, whether in installments or...

Ba’i al-Ajel

An Arabic term (البيع الآجل) denotes refers to sale on credit or credit sale. By definition, it is an Islamic...

Bay’ al-Nasi’ah

A type of sale on credit (bay' ajel) in which the price (thaman) is paid in full at a future...

Credit Murabaha

A type of murabaha (cost-plus sale) which is established on the basis of mark-up over the actual purchase price incurred...