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Coupon Clipping

The removal of interest coupons attached to a bearer bond so that the bearer might submit them to a bank...

Coupon Stripping

A structuring technique which involves the purchase of ordinary bonds (usually, U.S. Treasury bonds) and the repackaging thereof in a...


It stands for coupon equivalent rate; also known as equivalent bond yield; the yield on a discount bond that is...

Coupon Equivalent Rate

Also equivalent bond yield; the yield on a discount bond that is computed in the same way the yield on...

Coupon Barrier Autocall Note

An autocall note that is subject to a coupon barrier with an opportunity for early redemption. It offers contingent periodic...

Coupon-Paying Bond

A bond that pays interest on surrender of the coupons, clipped from its certificate. The holder of a coupon-paying bond...

Contingent Coupon Reverse Convertible

A reverse convertible in which the coupon is made contingent on a specific event such as trading in a range...

Deferred-Coupon Bond

A bond whereby the issuer is allowed to defer coupon interest for a specified period of time. During the deferred-coupon...

Coupon Bond

A bond that pays interest on surrender of the coupons, clipped from its certificate. The holder of a coupon bond...

Coupon Equivalent Yield

The rate of return which is quoted on bonds on the basis of simple interest, i.e., without accounting for the...