Arabic (مرابحة عكسية) for reverse murabaha (cost-plus sale). It is an Islamic cash financing mechanism involving one party purchasing an asset…
A contract of sale in which the seller reveals (or is under obligation to reveal) to the buyer his actual…
Arabic (مرابحة عكسية) for reverse murabahah (cost-plus sale). It is an Islamic cash financing mechanism involving situations where one party purchases…
Arabic (عقد المعاوضة) for compensatory contract (commutative contract) whereby one party receives compensation/ consideration (iwadh) from another party in return…
A contract of sale in which the seller reveals (or is under obligation to reveal) to the buyer his actual…
A type of murabaha (cost-plus sale) which is secured by an issue of sukuk as collateral. It provides an alternative...
A murabaha which involves two parties, a buyer and seller, where the former is a merchant by trade. The merchant...
Arabic (مرابحة) for an Islamic mode of trading and financing which constitutes an absolute sale (ba'i mutlaq), i.e. the sale...
Arabic (مرابحة) for an Islamic mode of trading and financing which constitutes an absolute sale, i.e. the sale of “asset...
A contractual framework which governs a murabaha transaction in which there are several objects (assets/ commodities) in several contracts between...