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Collect On Delivery

An option contract for which no premium is paid upfront by the buyer. However, a prespecified premium should be paid...

Cash On Delivery

An option contract for which no premium is paid upfront by the buyer. However, a prespecified premium should be paid...

Time Discount Option

A contingent premium option in which premium is only paid at expiration date. The amount of the premium depends on…

Mini-Premium Option

A variant of the contingent premium option which doesn't require the payment of an initial premium. However, the holder agrees...

Pay on Exercise Option

An option contract for which no premium is paid upfront by the buyer. However, a prespecified premium should be paid...


It stands for contingent payment option or contingent premium option; an option contract for which no premium is paid upfront by the buyer...

Contingent Payment Option

An option contract for which no premium is paid upfront by the buyer (long). However, a pre-specified premium should be paid if the option...

Reverse Contingent Premium Option

A contingent premium option in which payment of a premium is contingent on the option being out of the money...

Step Premium Option

A contingent premium option where the holder pays no upfront premium. However, the premium gets paid in a series of...

Contingent Premium Option

An option contract for which no premium is paid upfront by the buyer (long). However, a pre-specified premium should be paid if the option...