A floating-rate note (FRN) which has a minimum and a maximum interest rate, i.e., an embedded collar. This collar has…
A floater (floating-rate note) which has a minimum and a maximum interest rate, i.e., an embedded collar. This collar has…
A floating-rate note (floater) whose coupon payments fall within an embedded collar. This means the coupon is capped at a...
A floating-rate note (FRN) which has a minimum and a maximum interest rate, i.e., an embedded collar. This collar has…
A floating-rate note (floater) whose coupon payments fall within an embedded collar. This means the coupon is capped at a...
A collared floater in which the caplet/ floorlet strikes increase at particular intervals/ increments (and hence the ratchet feature). The...
A floating-rate note (floater) whose coupon payments fall within an embedded collar. This means the coupon is capped at a...
An floater that is embedded with increased participation mechanism (such as that of a participating cap/ participating floor). In other...