It stands for principal write-down; a write down of the principal of a contingent convertible bond (CoCo bond) upon occurrence...
A write down of the principal of a contingent convertible bond (CoCo bond) upon occurrence of a trigger event. In...
It stands for additional tier-1 CoCo bond; a capital instrument that is subject to specific terms and conditions for eligibility...
The risk that CoCo investors are exposed to. This risk arises from both the issuer of the CoCo, and the...
A contingent convertible (CoCo) bond that has no set maturity date. Like any perpetual bond (perp or consol bond), this...
A contingent convertible (CoCo) bond that has no set maturity date. Like any perpetual bond (perp or consol bond), this...
A hybrid/ structured credit product (bond/ debt instrument) that becomes convertible into equity shares if the price of the share...
It stands for enhanced capital note; a capital note that is issued by a regulated institution (e.g., a bank) with...
A capital note that is issued by a regulated institution (e.g., a bank) with the enhanced feature of "automatic convertibility"...
A hybrid/ structured credit product (bond) that becomes convertible into equity shares if the price of the share exceeds a...