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Chooser PRDC Note

A power reverse dual currency note (PRDC note) which grants the issuer the right to choose which of the note’s…

Hermaphrodite Option

A nickname for a Call Or Put (COP), which is an option (or warrant) with an embedded provision giving the...

As-You-Like Warrant

An option (or warrant) with an embedded provision giving the purchaser the right to designate it as either a call...

As-You-Like-It Option

An option that allows its holder to choose between going with it as a call or as a put at...

Time-Dependent Option

An option contract whose payoff depends on the price of an regular option at a single future time. For instance,...

Chooser Flexible Cap

A modification of the flexible cap. It combines the features of a flexible cap and a chooser cap. More specifically,...

Chooser Swap

An interest rate swap giving the holder the option to choose to enter into either a receiver swap or a...

Chooser Option

An option that gives its holder the right to decide before maturity whether to go with it as a call...