An instrument (capital instrument) that belongs to a bank's common equity tier 1 capital (CET1). It is any share, note...
A ratio (capital ratio) that relates a bank's capital against its assets. It measures a bank's common equity tier 1...
A ratio (capital ratio) that relates a bank's capital against its assets. It measures a bank's common equity tier 1...
A ratio (capital ratio) that relates a bank's capital against its assets. It measures a bank's common equity tier 1...
The capital of a bank or financial institution that consists of paid-in capital, capital reserve, surplus reverse, general reserve, undistributed...
A trigger that marks the situation when and where the common equity tier 1 ratio (CET1) of a bank or...
The capital of a bank or financial institution that consists of paid-in capital, capital reserve, surplus reverse, general reserve, undistributed...