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Callable CB Asset Swap

An asset swap which has a callable convertible bond (CB) as underlying. The underlying convertible bond is associated with a…

CB Stripping

The process of breaking up a convertible bond (CB) into two structured products: an asset swap (credit component) and a…

Busted Convertible Bond

A convertible bond (CB) whose value is pulled down by a declining stock (its potential equity participation). In other words, the…

Provisional Call Protection

The unrestricted or unconditioned right of an issuer to redeem a convertible. More specifically, the bond may be redeemed without...

Soft Call Protection

The unrestricted or unconditioned right of an issuer to redeem a convertible. More specifically, the bond may be redeemed without...

Soft Call

A call option whereby a convertible bond (CB) can be called back if the share price exceeds a specific level...