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Perpetual Preferred Stock

A preferred stock that has no redemption date. In other words, this fixed-rate equity instrument allows the holder no participation…

Fake Perpetual Floater

A perpetual floater which contains a call option given to the issuer. However, if the issuer doesn’t exercise this option…

CTM Option

An abbreviation for close-to-the-money option; an option contract in which the underlying’s market price is very near to the strike…

CB Asset Swap

It stands for convetible bond asset swap; an asset swap whose underlying is a convertible bond. In terms of composition,…

Convertible Asset Swap Transaction

A par asset swap whose underlying asset (e.g. a convertible bond) is repackaged with an equity warrant stripped therefrom, with…

Fake Perpetual FRN

A perpetual FRN which contains a call option given to the issuer. However, if the issuer doesn’t exercise this option…

Long Call

One of the most popular option strategies, in which a naturally bullish investor focuses on the steady upward movement of...

Arithmetic Asian Call Option

An arithmetic Asian option in which the payoff is determined with respect to the arithmetic average price of the underlying...

PT Fixed-Strike Lookback Option

A fixed strike lookback option in which the lookback period (partial time- PT) starts at a preset date after the…

Call Turbo Certificate

A turbo certificate that aims to bet on price increases. The participation in the upward movement of the underlying will…