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Ba’i al-Murawadhah

Arabic (بيع المراوضة) for the sale (ba’i) of goods that have not been actually or constructively possessed by the seller....

Bay’ al-Barnamaj

Arabic (بيع البرنامج) for a wholesale trade that involves the sale (bay’) of the units of a fungible commodity or product…

Negotiated Price Sale

In Islamic finance, it refers to the selling (ba'i/ bay) of a commodity at an agreed upon price irrespective of...

Buyu Muharramah

Arabic (بيوع محرمة) for prohibited sales; a category of buyu (pl. of ba'i or bay') that consists of all sales...

Ba’i Habal al-Habalah

Arabic (بيع حبل الحبلة) for a type of prohibited sale that was prevalent in pre-Islamic Arabia where the fetus of...

Prohibited Sales

A category of buyu (pl. of ba'i or bay') that consists of all sales that are impermissible under shari'a due...

Bai’ Mu’ajjal

An Arabic term (بيع مؤجل) that translates as sale on credit or credit sale. By definition, it is an Islamic...

Ba’i al-Wafa

A sale (ba'i) in which the seller has the right, as stipulated in the contract, to repurchase the underlying property...

Ba’i al-Hateetah

A contract of sale (ba'i) in which the seller reveals (or is under obligation to reveal) to the buyer his...

Ba’i al-Mawqoof

In Arabic (بيع الموقوف), it is a type of sale (ba'i/ bay') which is lawful in substance and description but...