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Worst-Of Multi-Barrier Reverse Convertible

A variant of barrier reverse convertible (BRC)- a structured product– that is subject to more than one barrier (a continous…

Window Barrier Reverse Convertible

A variant of barrier reverse convertible (BRC)- a structured product– in which the barrier strike is only active for a…

Callable Barrier Reverse Convertible

A variant of barrier reverse convertible (BRC)- a structured product– that pays a guaranteed coupon over the specified term or…

Multi Chance Barrier Reverse Convertible 

A variant of barrier reverse convertible (BRC)- a structured product– that pays a coupon on a frequent basis (e.g., quarterly)…


It stands for barrier reverse convertible; a reverse convertible that entails that the holder gives up the potential upside exposure...

Trigger BRC

It stands for trigger barrier reverse convertible; a variant of barrier reverse convertible (BRC)- a structured product- which is structured...