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Trading Halt

A regulatory response to a case of extreme volatility in trading.This is meant to stop trading (and irrational buying or...

Rotation-Based Call Market

A call market in which securities, available for trading, are called one at a time. Markets that call securities on...

Contra Loss

The negative difference between the selling price and initial purchase price of a stock (stocks) in a contra transaction (contra...

Dealer Market

A type of securities market in which dealers transact with other dealers. In a dealer market, transactions are concluded between...

Call Market

A marketplace in which trading takes place at certain points in time (discrete time intervals), i.e., when the market is...

Algo Trading

The application of computer software programmes (like electronic platforms) and online connectivity in filling and executing trading orders in electronic...

Free Riding

The practice of purchasing of a security with little or no money down, holding it for a short period of...

Book Coloring

A practice that is used by high frequency traders (also known for this purpose as quote rate pirates) that involves...

Quoted Bid-Ask Spread

The difference between a market maker's (a dealer's) ask and bid price quotes at a given point in time. Traders...

Quote Stuffing

A practice that is used by high frequency traders (also known for this purpose as quote rate pirates) that involves...