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Dead Cat Bounce

A limited, short-lived resurgence in the price of a declining security. The term "dead cat bounce" is derived from the...

Intraday Quote

A quote that is run or made available to market participants during intraday hours (defining a market session or market...

Intra-Day Quote

A quote that is run or made available to market participants during intra-day hours (defining a market session or market...


A person who supports gold, and its financial products such as gold certificates and gold ETFs, as an investment and...

Growth Stock

A stock that is issued by a company whose growth rate is appreciably higher than the market average. More specifically,...

Near-The-Quote Limit Order

A limit order (a buy order) that restricts the maximum price (payable) to a level a bit higher than the...

Order Cancellation

The removal of a previously placed order to buy or sell securities as demanded by a trader before it has...

Order Revision

Any modification that a trader makes to a already/ previously placed order that does not impact its type (buy or...

Limit Order Market

A market in which traders submit orders to either buy or sell a security/ commodity for a specific price and...

Limit Order

An order to buy or sell a security or commodity at a pre-defined price (at most for a buy order...