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War Babies

A jargon phrase that refers to the stocks and bonds of companies whose primary business activity is defense contracting. For…

Yield Giveup Swap

A bond swap and particularly a form of the intermarket spread swap whereby an investor may be compensated for the…

War Bond

A debt security which is issued to savers by a government for the purpose of collecting money that will be...


A basis point (bps) is 0.01 percentage point and equals $1,000 annually on a contract protecting $10 million of debt...

Advance Refunded Bond

A bond which is mainly issued to refinance previously issued bonds that carry higher coupons than current market. An advance…


An abbrevaition for par equivalent CDS spread; a measure of the creditworthiness of a bond. It sets the bond’s Z-spread…

Call Option Premium

The up-front price a call option buyer (long) pays to a call option seller (short) against the right to exercise…

Exit Bond

A bond which is often issued by a low-rated debtor country to a creditor bank in lieu of bank credit...

Step-Up Bond

A bond (a variable interest bond) whose coupon payment starts to increase after an initial period. It pays an initial…

Small-Issue Bond

A bond that is issued as part of a municipal bond issue not exceeding an aggregate face amount of $10…