A spread that captures the difference between the return attained by investing in a bond issued by an oil-producing company...
An abbreviated form of cum dividend; a stock trades cum dividend (with or including dividend) when buyers qualify to receive...
A stock trades cum dividend (with or including dividend) when buyers qualify to receive the next dividend payment. The cum-dividend...
In relation to fixed interest bearing securities (bonds, notes, debentures, etc), cum interest includes, in addition to the cost or...
The price of a convertible as quoted inclusive of accrued interest. Some Euroconvertibles such as French convertible bonds are normally...
It stands for drop-lock bond; a floating-rate bond that converts into a fixed coupon obligation when a reference interest rate...
A floating-rate bond that converts into a fixed coupon obligation when a reference interest rate (market interest rate) drops below...
A corporate bond that can be exchanged for a predetermined number of common shares of the bond's issuer at any...
An instrument that is secured by an ownership stake (equity), debt obligation (note, bond, etc.), or contractual right (like options...
A bond (or debt security) is redeemable at par when the holder has the right to receive its par value upon redemption or on maturity date....