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Bay’ al-Muatah

A contract of sale (bay') in which the buyer picks up the goods and pays the price to the seller...

Bay’ al-‘Arbun

A type of sale (bay') which is effected using down payment or advance money (arbun- عربون) with the condition that...

Bay’ wa Salaf

Arabic (بيع وسلف) for a type of shari'a-impermissible sale (invalid sale or bay’ ghair sahih) that combines a normal sale...

Bay’ al-Muqayadah

Arabic (بيع المقايضة) for a mode of trading (mutajarah) which involves the exchange of one asset for another without resorting...

Bay’ al-Mutajara

Arabic (بيع المتاجرة) for a type of sale (bay') whereby an Islamic bank sells goods on credit to a customer....

Bay’ al-Mu’awamah

Arabic (بيع المعاومة) for a type of sale (bay’) in which the underlying object is an agricultural produce (such as...

Bay’ al-Musawamah

An Arabic term (بيع المساومة) that denotes “bargaining sale”. It is a type of sale (bay’) in which the seller...

Bay’ al-Muajjil

A type of sale on credit (bay' ajel) in which the price (thaman) is paid in full at a future...

Bay’ al-Fuduli

Arabic (بيع الفضولي) for a type of sale conducted by an uncommissioned agent or al-fodhouli (also spelled al-fodooli/ al-fuduli)- i.e.,...

Bay’ al-Mawquf

A type of sale (ba'i) which is lawful in substance and description but is concluded by, or with the intervention/...