It stands for absolute return barrier note; a barrier note that pays the holder (investor), at maturity, the absolute performance...
A structured product (structured certificate) that faithfully tracks the performance of its underlying. Its risk-return profile is identical to that...
An option on the best performing asset in a basket of assets during a designated period of time. The holder...
One trade that involves a basket of securities (or derivative instruments). In other words, it initiates based on instructions for...
One order that involves a basket of securities (or derivative instruments). In other words, it initiates based on instructions for...
A floating-for-floating swap whose first floating rate leg is derived from the returns on a basket of underlying assets, such as equities, commodities, bonds, or even swaps. The...
A credit default swap (CDS) in which the protection buyer pays a fee (premium) to purchase default protection on a number of debtors or debt issuers....
An exotic equity option which is based, unlike vanilla options (which have only one underlying asset), on a number of underlying securities (basket). That makes...
A type of mountain range options (on the market since 1990s) that offers the option holder a payoff provided that none of the underlying...
By definition, it is a cash-settled call option whose underlying is a basket of reference entities (known also as basket...